Observatorum in Scriptoribus Ecclesiasticis, [...], Monobiblos. (with) Observationum Liber Nonus, [...] Notis ad T. Livium [...].

Book Description
Two works in one vol. 8vo., pp. [xxvi], 292, [xxviii]; [xxiv], 431, [lxiii]. Printer’s device to both title-pages, woodcut initials and decorative headpieces. A few leaves unopened at fore-edge. Occasional small spots (wax?) and smudges, very good. Contemporary vellum, titles inked to spine, fore-edges slightly overlapped, all edges blue. Pencilled booksellers’ notes to front pastedown. A few marks to boards, endpapers toned, an approx. 3cm piece cut out of ffep possibly to remove a name, still very good.
Two ownership inscriptions to ffep: D. Wyttenbach, dated August 1765, and J.A. Jeremie(?) dated 1863. The former is quite likely to be the classical scholar Daniel Wyttenbach (1746-1820), student of Hemsterhuis, Valckenaer and Ruhnken who, along with them, laid the foundations for modern Greek scholarship. In 1765 he was just ending his studies at the university in Marburg.
Dealer Notes
Johannes Fredericus Gronovius (1611-1671) was in 1643 appointed professor of rhetoric and history at Deventer, before moving in 1658 to the Greek chair at Leiden, where he spent the rest of his life. Gronovius was the 6th Librarian of the University of Leiden (1665–1671) and, in a nice link, Wyttenbach became the 13th Librarian in 1799 following the death of David Ruhken. Wyttenbach also wrote a highly-regarded Life of his predecessor, which was published in Leiden in the same year.
Gronovius, Johannes Fredericus:
1651; 1652.
Daventriae [Deventer]: typis Johannis Columbii,
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