Onomasticon Graece & Latine.

Book Description
2 vols. in 1. Folio, pp. [viii], 48, 683, [I]; [ii], 687-1388, [xvi], 178, [x] + additional engraved title-page, signed: I. Mulder, delin; W. Broen, sculp., and folding numismatic plate opposite p.1027. Engraved frontispiece (included in register): arms of Amsterdam and view of Amsterdam, 10 shields, signed: Mulder, fec.. Half-title to each vol., title-page vol. I in red and black, woodcut initals. Text in Latin and Greek in parallel columns. Occasional very light spotting, final 7 leaves dampstained at fore-edge margin, very good. Contemporary gilt panelled vellum, central gilt coat of arms of Haarlem to both boards. Some light smudgy marks, ties lost, very good.
Dealer Notes
An interesting and important edition of the 2nd-century AD Greek thesaurus of Iulius Pollux, which had been begun and abandoned by Jean-Henri Lederlin (1672-1737). His replacement as editor, Tiberius Hemsterhuys (1685-1766), professor at Amsterdam, has “the honour of reviving the study of Greek in the Netherlands” (Sandys). For this edition he wrote for advice to Richard Bentley, the expert on Greek metre, but received his suggestions after the book went to press. Bentley later sent a long letter giving corrections to the texts of the fragments of comedy as found here in book 10. “So deep was [Hemsterhuys’s] distress that he determined to abandon Greek for ever, and for two months did not dare to open a Greek book” (ibid.)
Pollux is a source of information on many subjects, including theatre, the Athenian constitution, and the thirty-three terms of abuse for a tax-collector. The text survived only in interpolated copies of an early interpolated epitome.
Schweiger I 270 “Gute Ausg.”; Sandys II 449; Spoelder 1.
Pollux is a source of information on many subjects, including theatre, the Athenian constitution, and the thirty-three terms of abuse for a tax-collector. The text survived only in interpolated copies of an early interpolated epitome.
Schweiger I 270 “Gute Ausg.”; Sandys II 449; Spoelder 1.
Pollux, Julius: (Lederlin, J.H.; Hemsterhuys, T.):
Amstelaedami [Amsterdam]: Ex Officina Wetsteniana,
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