Orbis Phaëthon hoc est de uniuersis vitiis linguæ pars prima (altera).

Book Description
24mo., pp. [xxx], 544, [ii]. Engraved title-page, illustrations in the text, final leaf blank. Occasional light offsetting from illustrations, a little light foxing, a few tiny ink spots, some closed tears neatly repaired, old tape marks to pp.185-6. Contemporary vellum, inked title to spine, blind-tooled boards. Vellum a bit greyed, edges of text block darkened, very good.
To front paste-down, bookplate with blue printed border and indecipherable inscription.
Dealer Notes
Part one (the second following in 1636) of this small-format dictionary of vices and sins, with engravings by Philippe Sadeler. Drexel’s (1581-1638) works virtue, eternal truth and recognition of the divine were popular and much-read in his lifetime. Aware of the power of visual symbols to convey his teachings, it is not uncommon for his books to be heavily illustrated. COPAC finds copies only in the British Library and the Bodleian.
Drexel, Jeremias:
Monachii [Munich]: Formis Cornelii Leysserii Electoralis Typographi,
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