Our country's shells and how to know them. A guide to the British mollusca. With a coloured illustration of every species, and many original diagrams, by A. Lambert

Book Description
'Our Country's' series. 8vo (195 x 140mm). 33 coloured lithograph plates showing over 800 different specimens of molluscs, diagrams in the text.
Contains a. o. a list of local and popular names, a chapter on identification, a glossary. "In the concluding chapter the species will be arranged alphabetically. ... most of the figures in the coloured plates were drawn from shells in the writer's possession... .
Dealer Notes
"This book, like the rest of the series, is intended as an introductory working manual for the collector, the object of its analytical tables being to enable him to name any specimen in the British list without reading more tan is needful for that purpose."--Preface
Gordon, W.J. (William John)
n.d. , early 20th c.
Publisher's green cloth
London: Simpkin, Marchall, Hamilton, Kent & Co
A. Lambert
Very good, label of W.L. Stephens, Esq. on flyleaf
pp. vii, [i], 152, 33 col. litho. pl.
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