Précis de la Grammaire Française.

Book Description
Quatrième édition, Paris, chez l'auteur, rue Bertin-Poirée, n°. 19. De l'imprimerie d'Emm. Brosselard [entre 1794 et 1804] 76 pp. Original pink wrappers.(sl. worn). Some waterstaining but a nice, uncut copy in original wrappers. Signed by the author with the text “De la part de l’auteur” on the front cover.
Dealer Notes
A quite scarce little booklet with only two copies in libraries worldwide: of this edition there seems to be only one copy in the BNF and there is a copy of the third edition (fewer pages) in Oxford so my guess is that only a few of each edition were printed, especially as each known copy is signed by the author.
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