Sefer Ḥinnuk Beḥire Yah

Book Description
John Calvin's catechism translated into hebrew by Tremellius under the title " Sefer Ḥinnuk Beḥire Yah" Published and printed in London: Typ. Excud. A. Macintosh in 1820.
A volume 12mo (173x103 mm), 120 pages.
Binding: contemporary half sheepskin with corners, mute smooth spine. Rubbed binding.
The Hebrew text is preceded by a Latin introduction. Tremellius (1510-1580) was a Jewish scholar converted to Calvinism, he proposed a Latin translation of the Bible very appreciated in his time. He also translated Calvin's works into Hebrew and delivered Syriac and Chaldean grammars.
Dealer Notes
References: "[...]an extremely interesting one: Sefer hinukh behire yah (Catechism for the Chosen of God), a translation of Jean Calvin's catechism by Immanuel Tremellius (1554-1580), a Jewish convert from Ferrara who gained fame as a Hebrew instructor in Strasbourg" Lyse Schwarzfuchs. Hebrew in the Book in Geneva in the Sixteenth Century. Cahiers d’Humanisme et Renaissance 96. [Geneva: Librairie Droz S.A., 2011.]
Immanuel Tremellius,
Very Good
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