Book Description

A superbly produced 16pp Chromolithographed advertising booklet c.7"x5" with single staple full colour vignettes to each page with diagrams & detailed folding instructions for each design Formal advertisements to the inside covers, front & back offering by royal appointment house- hold Linens from the least expensive to the finest in the world" As a furnisher of linens to the royal family, Robinson & Cleaver represented excellence in Irish linen, and produced everything from damask to lace goods. Focusing solely on serviettes, the catalog includes diagrams and step-by-step instructions on how to create napkin folding designs including the “Fan,” “Water Lily,” “Cardinal’s Hat,” “Greek Cross” and “Collegiate. In excellent order. Not in COPAC [but 1890 according to the Metropolitan Museum of Modern Art]
Author Robinson & Cleaver.
Publisher Nottingham Grover & Co.[ND] c1890

Price: £150.00

Offered by John L Capes

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