Seven Victorian Flirtations
Book Description
A set of seven manuscript slightly flirtatious illustrations of women probably intended for a male audience folded into accompanying manuscript notes. Various sizes , unevenly trimmed, as described below [ image size].No date, but the fashions suggest the 1870’s we think. The numbering below is ours. Provenance : From the collection of the late Alan and Joan Tucker who ran their bookshop in Stroud, Glos for over 50 years.
1)“ If you would like to see my face ask very prettily, and see what will come of it”.13.5 cm x 8.5cm
2)“Buy my flowers oh Buy I pray”. 11 cm x 9.5 cm
3) “Do you admire red hair?” 11.5 cm x 8 cm
4) “ Oh my dear! What shall I do? Look at my hands and neck! the heat has turned this horrid wash all brown! “ 14 cm x 8.5 cm
5) “I send you my picture but If you dont like it I’m sure I dont care” x 9.5 cm
6) “ Wouldn’t you like her to look at you? only just once! “ 12.5 cm x 8.5 cm
7) “ The dearest young things going – are we not? 12.5 cm x 8 cm
Unpublished manuscript
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