Book Description

Two autograph letters signed, 22 and 24 September 1938, both addressed to 'Dear John' and concerning the recipient's appointment to the committee of the Georgian Group and a related request from May Morris, daughter of William Morris ('This is really most good of you. O Tempora O Morris. I will write and tell May Morris and i will ask Miss Sloane to write to you and invite you formally. I am sure you will enjoy the experience. As brother of the Art Worker's [sic] Guild, I can assure you that if its opposite number in the opposite sex is anything like the Guild to which I belong, you will meet some of the most fascinating old creatures of Bedford Park... The G.G. will dissapoint you. But not its Tempora Society'). Each letter in brown ink on one side only of a single sheet of paper with Betjeman's letterhead ( Garrards Farm, Uffington) in red, the second with and original pen-and-ink caricature by Betjeman possibly depicting the recipient. In double -aperture mount, framed and glazed. Aperture dimensions 15cm. x19cm. Provenance: Malcolm Rogers CBE FSA (1948-) British Art historian and director of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston from 1994 to 2015. Rare Betjeman letter especially with wonderful caricature drawn by Betjeman.
Author John Betjeman
Date 1938
Binding soft
Publisher John Betjeman
Condition Fine

Price: £1250.00

Offered by Pete Fry

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