Talks to Future Officers

Book Description
Foreword by Major-General G. H. Addison; These talks were originally prepared as a series of lectures and were intended for cadets resident at Cambridge under the War Office scheme for the training of future Gunner, Sapper and Signals officers at certain selected Universities. The author was responsible for working out the details of this scheme, but few of the lectures could be delivered as he was posted elsewhere. It was felt that they might be of interest to a wider circle. They are necessarily conversational and didactic in style and make no claim to literary merit. As the cadets at Cambridge University are destined for the Royal Engineers, that Corps receives special mention in many of the talks, but no technical details are included and they apply with slight changes to other branches of the Army and even to the other two Services. Subjects covered include: Command of Men; The Duties of an Officer;. Germany and the German; On Writing and Reading English; The Downfall of France & the Position of Britain; General Gordon; Pacifism, Militarism & The Issue; and The Real Cure for War.
Dealer Notes
Third Edition; 12mo - over 6¾" - 7¾" tall; Black titles spine, red titles front; Includes index.
Portway, Colonel Donald
W. Heffer & Sons Ltd.; Cambridge
Very Good
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