TARGET. signed copy.

Book Description
Over a period of six years photographer Herlinde Koelbl visited military training camps in almost 30 countries worldwide, to witness soldiers learning their deadly trade. The result, accomponied by isightful texts from Gerry Adams and Arkandy Babchenko, is a fasinating compilation of over 200 images of the diverse targets used in practice to simulate the enemy and prepare for real life combat.
Koelbl documented soldiers training in vast empty deserts, surrealistic underground bunkers, abandoned cottages in the German countryside, and mock cities constructed by Hollywood set designers. Accompanied by commentary by the soldiers themselves, these images illustrate the incredibly diverse and increasingly perplexing conditions confronted by military populations throughout the world. Together they provide a disturbing, insightful, and unforgettable collective portrait of modern warfare.
Dealer Notes
Dimensions: 300 x 240 mm very good condition
# 27938
# 27938
Herlinde Koelbl
hard back
Publisher: Prestel
240. Weight: 1656 g
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