Ten ink illustrations for her Looking After Horses

Book Description
All 10 original ink illustrations by Helen Riviere Haywood from her 'Looking After: Horses' published by Tyndall in 1973. The set is one of four I have recently acquired from a publisher's archive; the others also contain 10 ink drawings and are Cats, Dogs and Rabbits. Riviere Haywood (1907 – 1995) was an English artist and writer, known for her illustrations of children's books and her fore-edge and binding paintings. She was the great-granddaughter of the renowned British book-binder Robert Riviere and a great-great niece of Sir John Tenniel.
Haywood was a keen student of science and an amateur naturalist and anthropologist. She published over 300 books and also contributed widely to magazines for children such as Look and Learn. The books she illustrated featured keenly observed and highly accurate depictions of plants, birds and animals.
Haywood is also known for her fore-edge paintings which she first encountered at Bayntun-Riviere, Bath.
Dealer Notes
Ten ink illustrations on card; each card numbered one to ten. The cards are 20cm by 15cm approx.
Helen Riviere Haywood
Helen Riviere Haywood
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