The Blowpipe in Chemistry, Mineralogy and Geology: containing all known methods of anhydrous analysis, many working examples and instructions for making apparatus

Book Description
First edition. Scarce. 12 chapters cover: the manufacture of blowing apparatus, the construction of pyrological lamps, supports and apparatus, reagents, simple mineral analysis, and reduction of metals, etc. The last chapter includes examples of analysis of minerals at Freiberg University.
Cat No.: 57418
Dealer Notes
8vo, orig. cloth, gilt, neatly rebacked preserving orig. spine. Vg. Withdrawn from an institutional library. Bookplate of the Herbert Lister Bowman Library, Laboratory of Mineralogy, University of Oxford. Bowman (1874-1942) was Waynflete Professor of Mineralogy and Crystallography who donated his important book collection to the University. Also with signature of Charles Judson and a pencil note stating, 'The author was doubtless a clever man but he could not write a textbook'.
Ross, W.A.
Crosby Lockwood and Co.
Very Good
xv, 196, [4] + 32, 16-ads
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