The Development of English Prose Between 1918 and 1939, with hand written note from the author to Sir Hector Hetherington, the Scottish philosopher and Principal of the University of Glasgow.

Book Description
FORSTER, E. M. The Development of English Prose Between 1918 and 1939. Glasgow: Jackson, Son & Company, Publishers to the University 1945. Laid in is a 180 word, hand written note, written on a sheet from a Message Pad, from Forster at his home address, West Hackhurst, Abinger Hammer, Dorking, dated 6-4-44 to Sir Hector Hetherington, the Scottish philosopher and Principal of the University of Glasgow, concerning his visit to Glasgow to present this lecture. Uppermost in his mind seems to be the possible effect of the war on transport and ease of movement. He presumes that Glasgow is not a prohibited area but asks Sir Hector to send him a line which will help him through the authorities on his arrival should that not be the case. He also worries about transport having been told that it is impossible to book a 1st in advance (although) one can sometimes secure a 3rd and perhaps I should be wise to do that. He also worries about having to stand the whole way and decides to enquire this end about sleepers . . . however uncomfortable it is, one is presumably lying down. He also apologises in advance to the Hetherington s for trespassing on their hospitality as indicates by writing I know that at this end at any rate entertaining isn t easy. Forster concludes the note by indicating he hopes to visit the Lakes for the week end on his way south, before signing off Yours sincerely and his signature. The fifth W. P. Ker Memorial Lecture. This copy probably owned by Sir Hector Heatherington, but with J L Weir, formerly Keeper of Manuscripts at Glasgow University Library, small ex libris pasted to inside of front wrapper. Original printed wrappers. Note on Message Pad: Two shallow fold lines otherwise a fine copy. Pamphlet: One of the two staples rusted otherwise a Fine copy, as issued. Signed by Author(s).
Original printed wrappers.
Glasgow: Jackson, Son & Company, Publishers to the University
See description below.
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