Book Description

Cover illustration, 4 full-page plates and 2 double-page spreads printed in colours, tinted line drawings on the other pages, engraved on wood and printed by Edmund Evans. First edition with the Caldecott illustrations (R. Caldecott’s Picture books, no. 2) Routledge’s Shilling Toy Books
Dealer Notes
“...And the delicious humor of ‘John Gilpin’… is perfectly conveyed through the artist’s rendering of the staid dignity of this elderly linen draper during his quiet preparations for a day of pleasure, the grim tenacity with which he adheres to his runaway horse, the enthusiastic interest that the whole countryside takes is his wild ride, and the good humor he displays during moments of relief from adversity.”--Ray 250
Author Cowper, William.
Date n.d. [1878]
Binding Illustrated paper covers
Publisher [London: George Routlegde & sons]
Illustrator Randolph Caldecott (1846-1886)
Condition A well preserved copy with very little foxing.
Pages pp. 31, sm. 4to, (230 x 204)

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