The English works of Sir Henry Spelman Kt... together with his posthumous works, relating to the laws and antiquities of England; and the life of the author.... To which are added, two more treatises... never before printed:

Book Description
Second Edition
Folio 2 vcols in 1, engraved portrait, 2 folding tables, title in red and black, (13 lls), xxvi, 190 pp, (91 lls), Title to vol 2 (”Reliquae Spelmannianae”), (7 lls), 256 pp, (12 lls), some foxing in places, old half calf, marbled boards, later endpapers, newly rebacked, engraved armorial bookplate of “ Robert and Cecilia Tubbs” inscription on front fly leaf “F. Stroud Read / Brondesbury Park, August 25 . 1922”
Dealer Notes
ESTC T130826
SPELMAN, Henry Sir 1564?-1641.
London : Printed for D. Browne, sen. & jun. W. Mears, F. Clay; Fletcher Gyles; and T. Osborne, 1727.
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