[WOBURN BOOKS] The goldfish under the ice. Being number fourteen of the Woburn Books.

Book Description
'*Although dated 1929, this book did not appear until the Fall of 1930. The story was first printed in McCalfs Magazine for December, 1928. ' Alfred P. Lee, Bibliography of Christopher Morley [96]
Presentation copy number 1. Inscription by the publisher 'H[arold] V[incent] Marrot, 54 Bloomsbury St. dated 10. ix.30, We published on September 25th' .
Dealer Notes
Five hundred and thirty numbered copies of this story have been set in Monotype I2~point Veronese, and printed by Robert MacLehose & Co. Ltd., at the University Press, Glasgow; Nos. 1-500 only are for sale and Nos. 501-530 for presentation. This is copy No. 501', followed by autograph signature Christopher Morley.
Morley, Christopher
1929 [i.e. 1930]
Buff boards, with red ornamental designs on front and back , repeated on dust jacket
London: Elkin Mathews & Marrot
Slightest bumpmark to foot of spine, offset to endpapers, dust jacket darkened, else a bright and sound copy.
8vo (203 x 148), pp. 27
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