Book Description

Mary Cole was the first cookery book writer in English to ascribe recipes to their authors, as she believed previous cookery book writers had not 'candidly acknowledged their obligations'. Ironically perhaps, Cagle notes this work was reprinted word for word and published as Maximilian Hazlemere's 'Domestic Economy; Or a Complete System of English Housekeeping' in London 1794
Dealer Notes
Cagle 623, Maclean p29, Oxford p118 in a note
ESTC cites 4 copies in UK, 5 in US and 1 in Poland
Author COLE Mrs Mary
Date 1791
Binding Contemporary calf, rebacked retaining original attractive gilt decorated spine.
Publisher G Kearsley, London
Condition Edges and corners rubbed, spotting to pages; bookplate of Peter Stewart Young to front pastedown; p141 neatly repaired with no loss
Pages [i-iv], v-lvi, 1-460

Price: £325.00

Offered by Bainbridge Books

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