The Law of Storms Considered Practically; Being a Digest of the Circular Theory of Storms …

Book Description
“Second edition, with important corrections and additions”. A very good, but used copy; rubbed at extremities, with loss at spine ends, and small hole thereon; covers spotted; endpapers toned, with short insect tract at rear, penetrating a few leaves in; black woodcuts offsetting to facing pages.
The text itself is followed by a fascinating and extensive 64 page catalogue of charts and maps, books, and navigational equipment (this section illustrated) available from the publishers, “Norie & Wilson, Publisher of Charts and Nautical Works.”
Dealer Notes
A practical book for seamen, whether navy, merchant marine or yachtsmen: drawing from the latest in the field of storm research, especially relating to hurricanes (a.k.a. typhoons and cyclones), illustrating it with woodcuts and charts, and providing practical information on storms and storm seasons in active parts of the world, Rosser gave navigators, many of whom were in sailing ships, a practical tool for understanding the atmosphere and, especially, the winds. Called by one reviewer, “The most useful Work of its kind ever issued from the Press,” the text was substantially expanded for this edition.
William Henry Rosser
Original gilt- and black- stamped cloth
London: Norie & Wilson
Very good.
156 p. + 64 p. catalogue
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