THE LETTERS OF VINCENT VAN GOGH To His Brother 1872-1886 With a memoir by his Sister-in-law J.Van Gogh-Bonger.

Book Description
"It would be really a remarkable book if one could see how much (Vincent) has thought and how much he remained himself " Letter of Theo's to his mother Sept 8th,1890 and from the preface by Theo's wife " Many years passed befor Vincent was recognised as a great painter. Now it is time his personality was known and understood " A clean sound set complete in 2 volumes and emphatically NOT ex-library though there is a pronounced colour variation in the two volumes. Large Octavo(9"x6¼") Vol 1 ix,xi,lxv,555 pps.Vol2 646p both illustrated throughout. No ownership marks.
VINCENT VAN GOGH . J.vanGogh-Bonger. Memoir
LONDON : Constable & Co Ltd 1927
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