THE NORTHERN STAR or Yorkshire Magazine Volumes 1,2 & 3 ( All Published.)

Book Description
A rare complete set from the library of Arthur Cecil Tempest and Eleanor Blanche his wife of Broughton Hall, with his armorial bookplate to each volume.The three volumes in matching contemporary half calf and marbled sides and uncut each with a title page and engraved frontispiece plus additional engravings from copper and wood. The opening articles tend towards the Sheffield /South Yorkshire region and were edited by A. Jewitt of Lee Croft with regular features on Literature and The Arts. Original Poetry inc. Mrs Barbara Hofland Yorkshire Topography. History of Trades and Manufacturies and a monthly register of Marriages Births, and Deaths including a six-part History of the Iron Trade. The Yorkshire Alum-Trade The Influence of Climate on the Human Mind. An account of the Sheffield Society for the Betterment of the Poor. etc.etc
Jewitt, A.
SHEFFIELD Christopher Bentham Fargate [1817-1819]
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