THE TRIAL OF HER MAJESTY, QUEEN CAROLINE, CONSORT OF GEORGE IV. For an alledged Adulterous Intercourse with Bartolomo Bergami; comprising the whole of the proceedings since her arrival in this country. Embellished with portraits. ANON.

Book Description
FIRST DOBSON EDITION. 8vo. [2], [11]-194, [492] pages. There is an error in the pagination: 44-73 are omitted in the page numbering but the text is complete. Illustrated with engraved portraits of Queen Caroline (frontispiece) and Bergami, and a large hand coloured folding plate showing a depiction of the Lords at the trial with a legend of the individuals present. One page with a small hole to the middle of the leaf and some offsetting to the two portrait engravings otherwise a very good copy in an attractive early fine leather binding of full mid brown calf. Both boards elaborately decorated with blind tooled multiple oval design panel within twelve ruled line border. An arc and star gilt roll has been tooled around the outside of the boards. Spine with four wide raised bands, each with gilt decorations. Compartments ruled, lettered and decorated in gilt. Board edge corners with gilt ruled lines. Marbled endpapers. All edges marbled. --- Contains a full transcript of the sensational and controversial trial, instigated by George to rid himself of his wife by accusing her of Adultery, the only way he could divorce her. --- A rare variant publication. All copies listed on Worldcat and Copac show the publisher as T. Kaygill in London and show the same text pagination and date but don’t mention the illustrations, which all bear the imprint of Dobson.
Dobson and Co. London.
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