[Theatre. Photography]. Paris-Theatre, Journal programme hebdomadaire paraissant le Jeudi [continued as:] Paris-Portrait. Year 1-3 and 5-6. Rare extensive run of 276 issues with 276 original woodburytype portrait photographs.

Book Description
[Theatre. Photography]. Paris-Theatre, Journal programme hebdomadaire paraissant le Jeudi [continued as:] Paris-Portrait. Year 1-3 and 5-6. No. 1 (22 - 29 Mai 1873) -142 and 209-345 (25 - 31 Decembre 1879). Ed. E. Paz. Rare extensive run of 276 issues with 276 original woodburytype portrait photographs.
Paris, Paris-Theatre, 1873-1879, 276 issues in 5 vols., 4 to 8 pages per issue, ornamented title-pages, each with a central woodburytype portrait photograph, 276 mounted woodburytype portraits, each ca. 12,2 x 8,9 cm., by i.a. Nadar, Carette, Carjat, Frank, Gougenheim et Forest, Liebert, Pierre Petit, Alexandre Quinet, etc., all depicting actors/ actresses, singers, librettists/ playwrights, statesmen, artists, etc., vignettes, adverts, printed in three columns, contemporary uniform gilt red halfcalf, decorated endpapers, folio (38,5 x 28,4 cm.).
Dealer Notes
= Very rich source, a literary and artistic publication containing hundreds of portraits and biographies of celebrities of contemporary theatre, as well as a photographic source of many of the famous entertainment figures of 19th century France. Contains portraits of i.a. Edmond About, Edmond Adam, Sarah Bernhardt, Alexandre Dumas fils, Adelina Patti, Rosine Bloch, Jean Baptiste Prosper Bressant, Anna Judic, Delaunay, Charles Lecocq, Laurence Grivot, Hyacinthe, Lesuer, "les frères Lionnet", Emma Albani, Jules Breton, Alfred Dieudonné, Léon Melchissedec, Josephine Daram, Ch.F. Daubigny, Charles Garnier, Ambroise Thomas, Charles Gounod, Arsene Houssaye, Erckmann-Chatrian, Rita Sangalli, Cecile Daubray (child-star from Les Miserables), Alphonse Daudet, Ch.F. Daudet, Alice Ducasse, Emile Zola (by Disderi), Alexandre Cabanel, Paul Feval, Jules Grévy, Grivot, Jane Hading, Pierre Alfred Ravel, Léon Gambetta, Francois Joseph Regnier, Ernest Renan, Ernesto Rossi, Fernand de Lesseps, Saint-Germain, Jules Simon, Arsène Houssaye, Charles Lepère, Eugene Lorrain, Jules Massenet, Jane May, Georges Sand (by Nadar), Aurelien Scholl. Some more names of photographers: Bacard fils, Bondonneau, Braud, Buguet, Charles (Bordeaux), Courtin, Dagron, Disderi, Dupont, E. Flamant, Ulric Grob, Lopez, Lumiere de Lyon, Melandri, Maunury, Mayer, Mulnier, Reutlinger, Tourtin, Gaston et Mathieu. Truchelui.
contemporary uniform gilt red halfcalf, decorated endpapers, folio (38,5 x 28,4 cm.)
Nadar, Carette, Carjat, Frank, Gougenheim et Forest, Liebert, Pierre Petit, Alexandre Quinet, etc.
Without issues no. 70, 143-208, 218 and 273; a few textpages sl. dam. Bindings rubbed/ sl. worn along extremities.
Price: £4500.00
Offered by Fahrenheit 451 Antiquarian Booksellers
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