Book Description

A charming, satirically irreverent book by Michael Ayrton. Tittivulus is the name of a minor demon who, several hundred years ago, was given the dreary & thankless task of collecting in sacks all the negligence, pomposities and vanities of utterance throughout the world ....................
Author Michael Ayrton
Date 1953 (First Edition)
Binding Blue boards with black titles to the spine & a drawn emblem on the front cover + a highly coloured dust wrapper. Design by Will Carter.
Publisher Max Reinhardt
Illustrator Profusely illustrated with the black/white drawings of Michael Ayrton.
Condition G/VG (Small areas of fading to top & bottom of spine ; small areas repaired to top & bottom of dust wrapper spine)
Pages 138

Price: £25.00

Offered by Geoff Cox Books

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