Traite de la conservation des grains, et en particulier du froment. Nouvelle edition, corrigee et augmentee

Book Description
Small octavo. xlij, 311pp. 13 folding plates. Contemporary full calf, raised bands to spine, gilt floral embellishment and lettering. Vestiges of gilt edge tooling. Old paper label to top compartment, gilt motif and lettering. Contemporary marbled endpapers. All edges red. Silk bookmark. Rubbed to extremities, short crack to upper joint. Very bright internally, 3 plates slightly chipped at margins. Signature of Gayet de Sansale dated 1758 to ffep verso. A nice copy in contemporary binding, with fine contemporary provenance.
Thoroughly revised, corrected and extended by Monceau in this second edition, in line with further researches, published a year after the first, with additional folding plate.
Henri-Louis Duhamel du Monceau (1700-1782), physician, naval engineer and botanist. He developed his large estate into an experimental farm, using technological innovation to develop and test new methods of horticulture, agriculture and forestry. Thrice President of the French Academy of Sciences.
Provenance Inscribed Gayet de Sansale. SSS. 1758 on verso ffep. L'abbe Gayet de Sansale, Advisor to Parliament, Doctor and Librarian of the Sorbonne.
Monceau, M. Duhamel du
Contemporary full calf, gilt
Chez Hippolyte-Louis Guerin et Louis-Francis Delatour. Avec Approbation et Privilege du Roi
xlij, 311pp
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