Traité de la maladie vénérienne chez les enfans nouveau-nés, les femmes enceintes et les nourrices

Book Description
First Systematic Work on Congenital Syphilis.
[iii]-lxxv, [1], 218 pp., 2 folding tables, 8vo, near cont. half-calf, rubbed and scuffed, some minor wear to head of spine, later black leather title-piece to spine, marbled boards. Lacks half-title. Table I neatly repaired/re-joined with a strip of matching paper to reverse, but with loss of part of first line of text to table description. From Steeven's Hospital Medical and Surgical Library with red ink stamps to title and one other page. Dr Steevens' Hospital located at Kilmainham, Dublin, was one of Ireland's most distinguished medical establishments.
Dans lequel on expose les différens modes de transmission de cette Maladie des Parens aux Enfans, des Enfans aux Nourrices; les symptôms qui le caractérisent, comparés avec ceaux que présentent les Femmes enceintes, les Nourrices et les Adultes en général, d’aprés un grand nombre d’observations recueillies à l’Hôpital des Vénériens; la méthode de traitment qu’on y suit, etc, etc; Avec une introduction qui renferme des détails historiques et administratifs sur l'établissement destiné aux enfans infectés et des tableaux qui indiquent le nombre des enfans reçus et nés dans cette maison guéris et décédés depuis dix ans.
Dealer Notes
First edition. Rare. First systematic work on congenital syphilis, which includes the earliest details on the antenatal treatment of congenital syphilis (F.P. Underhill, 1923).
Rene´ Joseph Bertin (1757-1828) was a French anatomist best known for his pioneer work in cardiology. He was a military physician during the French Revolution and the Napoleonic wars. Following his military service, he returned to Paris and was appointed physician-in-chief at l'Hospice Cochin and l'Hôpital des Vénériens, Paris.
Garrison & Morton, 2378.1
Rene´ Joseph Bertin (1757-1828) was a French anatomist best known for his pioneer work in cardiology. He was a military physician during the French Revolution and the Napoleonic wars. Following his military service, he returned to Paris and was appointed physician-in-chief at l'Hospice Cochin and l'Hôpital des Vénériens, Paris.
Garrison & Morton, 2378.1
Chez Gabon: Paris
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