Vaderlandsche historie, vervattende de geschiedenissen der nu Vereenigde Nederlanden. Inzonderheid die van Holland, van de vroegste tyden af: uit de geloofwaardigste schryvers en egte gedenkstukken samengesteld. Met plaaten en kaarten.

Book Description
Vaderlandsche historie, vervattende de geschiedenissen der nu Vereenigde Nederlanden. Inzonderheid die van Holland, van de vroegste tyden af: uit de geloofwaardigste schryvers en egte gedenkstukken samengesteld. Met plaaten en kaarten.
[National history, containing the histories of the now United Netherlands. In particular that of Holland, from the earliest times: composed of the most credible writers and real memorial pieces. With plates and maps]
Amsterdam Tirion 1749-59
i, Engraved Frontis + 1 map, 4 folding plates unpaginated introduction + 450pps 1749. [no list for collation] - map misfolded with marginal tear.
ii, 1 map [small burn hole], 4 folding plates 406pps, 1749.[no list for collation]
iii, 4 folding plates, 550pps, 1750. [no list for collation] - binding worn wth splitting to the spine [marginal tear to 1fldg plate]
iv, 4 folding plates, 508pps, 1750. [no list for collation] - small loss to the spine
v, 1 folding plate 1 portrait [lacks 2 plates against collation list] 442pps, 1751.[includes index for vols1-5] - spine worn
vi, 1 folding plate 3 portraits [lacks 1plate + 1 map against collation list] 498pps, 1752. spine worn
vii, 4 folding plates, 3 portraits [as called for] 539pps 1752. spine worn with loss / splitting to the outer hinges
viii, 4 folding plates, 3 portraits [as called for] 508pps, 1753.
ix, 1 map [v clean] 4 folding plates, 3 portraits [as called for] 467pps, 1753.
x, 2 folding plates, 5 portraits [as called for] 504pps, 1754. - loss to the head of the spine
xi, 6 portraits [lacks 1 map + 1 plate against collation list] 500pps, 1754.
xii, 2 folding plates, 6 portraits [as called for] 483pps, 1755. rubbed /scuffed with loss to the rear cover
xiii, 1 folding plate, 6 portraits [as called for] 487pps, 1755.
xiv, 6 portraits [lacks 1 plate against collation list] 506pps, 1756.
xv, 7 portraits [as called for] 508pps, 1756. - loss to the spine
xvi, 1 folding plate, 7 portraits [as called for] 441pps, 1757. surface loss to the rear cover
xvii, 7 portraits [as called for] 522pps, 1757.
xviii 1 folding plate, 5 portraits [as called for] 431pps, 1758.
xix, 4 portraits [as called for] 531pps, 1758. contemporary patched portion to the pastepaper to the rear cover
xx, 8 portraits as called for] 455pps, 1759. contemporary patched pastepaper portion to the rear cover -some marginal marks to the text block page edges towards the rear of the block.
index 324pps, 1759. hand written date beneath the printed date to the title page
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