Wood's Complete New Tables of Discount - Rare Second Edition

Book Description
Wood's Complete New Tables of Discount, currently calculated upon any sum from 1d to £200, at from 1/4 to 75 per cent. The second edition. T. and W. Wood. Birmingham. G. B. Whittaker, and C. Penny. London. 1826. 12mo. Unpaginated. Contemporary full speckled calf. Spine in five compartments with double blind rules. Upper joint cracked, but holding. Rubbed to extremities. Head and tail of spine chipped. Ffep loose. Some marginal browning to the title page, otherwise the text is crisp and bright.
Scarce: no copy of this edition is recorded in any library in the UK or worldwide.
Wood, T. & W.
Full contemporary speckled calf
T. and W. Wood, Birmingham; G. B. Whittaker and C. Penny, London
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