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Salsus Books

The Encyclopedia of Religion

Mircea Eliade (editor in chief)

New York: Macmillan Publishing Company


Encyclopedia Judaica

Cecil Roth (ed.)

Jerusalem: Keter


Glossarium Mediae et Infimae Latinitatis conditum...

Domino Du Cange

Firmin Didot Fratres


The History of Wales from the Earliest Times to it...

B. B. Woodward

Virtue & Co


Ancient Laws and Institutes of Wales

Aneurin Owen

London: Commissioners on the Public Records of the Kingdom


Luton Church Guild Register 1475-1547

Henry Gough

London: Chsiwick Press


Monasticon Diocesis Exoniensis

George Oliver

Exeter: P. A. Hannaford


The Hounds of Spring: The History of the Eastern C...

Graham Downing

privately published


Otter Hunting

COVENTRY, George William Reginald Victor & L. R. C. CAMERON

Seeley, Service & Co Ltd


The Book of the Otter: A Manual for Sportsmen and...

Richard Clapham

Heath Cranton


A Naturalist in North Celebes A Narrative of Trave...

Sydney J. Hickson

London: John Murray


Natural History of Monks

[ I. von Born; W.S. Krasinski]



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