Memories of the first York Book Fair, 3rd - 5th October 1974
By Peter Miller, Hon. Member
In 1974 I was 27 years old and had taken over Ken Spelman’s Bookshop in York the year before. Spelman had retired at the age of 60 in order to give himself some time to cultivate a garden. I had bought the business with the help of a large bank loan and with inflation running at 10% I was keen to find ways of making enough money to keep up with my repayments.
Along came Gerry Mosdell with his novel idea of putting on a Book Fair in York. I jumped at the idea and ordered a double stand.
October came along and 20 exhibitors found spaces in the rooms allocated for us by the White Swan Hotel, at the top of Piccadilly. It was all a bit crowded as we occupied bedrooms linked by narrow corridors. But it was nothing in comparison to the conditions once the Fair opened. Large crowds had gathered outside who surged up the stairs and overwhelmed us. This was the first second-hand and antiquarian Book Fair outside London and interest was high.
The Fair went on for three days and I was delighted to take £250. Gerry and the rest of us were buoyed up by the success of the event and he booked the York Assembly Rooms, a magnificent neo-Palladian building, for the following year for the princely sum of £350. The Provincial Booksellers Fairs Association was officially inaugurated after this first York Fair.
We didn’t quite realise then what a significant event we had all been a part of. From this early success the PBFA grew in the 1970s to over 750 members. Book Fairs sprang up all over the country introducing the sleepy provincial trade to a new generation of hungry booksellers. They were hungry but also good humoured. I was struck by the many acts of generosity and the cooperative nature of the organisation which was apparent from the start. This spirit of mutual aid was informed by Gerry Mosdell’s example.
The establishment of the PBFA and their Book Fairs was the most significant development in the second-hand and Antiquarian book trade in my time as a bookseller. For myself it introduced me to the wider world of bookselling and greatly benefitted my business. I made friends that have lasted all my life.
So, thank you Gerry. The whole trade owes you a great debt of gratitude.
Membership of the PBFA is open to anyone who has been trading in antiquarian and second-hand books for a minimum of two years subject to certain criteria.
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