1690. Regles des Cinq Ordres d’Architecture de Vignolle.

Book Description
VIGNOLA, Giacomo Barozzi da), &. LE MUET, [Pierre]. Regles des Cinq Ordres d’Architecture de Vignolle. Reuvuee [sic] Augmentees et Reduites de Grand en Petit par le Muet.
small 8vo. 173mm x 112mm. Paris, chez Nicolas Langlois. c1690 [possibly earlier].
[4], 101, [1]p., additional engraved title-page and 40 engraved plates within the pagination. A very good clean copy bound in full contemporary limp vellum, covers somewhat darkened. With the ownership initials H.J.D. 1690 on the inner front cover.
~ Originally published in Rome in 1562, it was one of the most influential works in architecture of all time and disseminated the knowledge of the true classical language of architecture throughout Europe. Pierre Le Muet’s translation was first published in 1632, although it was itself revised from the French text of the multi lingual edition published by Blaeu in Amsterdam in 1617. Pierre Le Muet I died in 1657, and Pierre II intended to produce a new edition of Vignola, revised and expanded by Le Muet, and obtained a privilege for such a work. He appears to have passed the original plates on to his son-in-law Nicolas Langlois. However, the plan to obtain revisions and new images from Le Muet failed, perhaps because of the latter's advanced years (he would have been around 66 in 1657).
FirstSearch records 2 possible copies at Columbia, Cambridge, but suggesting a date of 1703-1707. Another, with no firm date suggested, is in the Werner Oechslin Library.
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