CONVALESCENCE: Written by juliana H. Ewing & Depicted by R. Andre.

Book Description
A lovely "Collectors Copy " of this scarce Chromolitho'd childrens book by the second of the10 children of the Reverend Alfred Gatty, Vicar of Ecclesfield in Yorkshire, and Margaret Gatty, herself a children's author, with her black edged obituary notice of 10 years earlier loosely inserted. Beautifully illustrated by the infamous William Roger Snow here under the pen name R.Andre. Quarto [7" X 6"] Original glazed boards. Illustrated throughout with no ownership marks "Roger Lancelyn Green called Ewings books" The first outstanding child-novels in English literature " Her story The Brownies gave Baden-Powell the idea and name for the junior level of the Girl Guides. An exceptional copy NB. A number of Gatty family letters are available. Details on request.
Ewing, Juliana Horatia [1841-1885] William Roger Snow [1834-1907] Illustrator
LONDON S.P.C.K. Charing Cross. [1883]
R.Andre William Roger Snow [1834-1907]
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