Book Description

Quarto. pp 588. A substantial Quarto manuscript (approx. 21cm x 16.5 cm), very neatly written. No date, approximately 1760-1780. Contemporary quarter calf on marbled boards, boards detached, stitching perished resulting in loose gatherings, edges uncut, all pages and endpapers present, no annotations. Clean and in good condition on good quality paper, Britannia watermarked, however with a countermark that we have been unable to identify (see photos). The marbled paper on the boards, interestingly has been made from an earlier black letter law text, which shows through as the marbled inks have faded. Approximately four stanzas to each page, pp 588, psalms numbered 1-150. An attractive, complete rendering of the psalms into verse. The form that each psalm is rendered in varies: the most usual is iambic tetrameter, but occasionally it moves to trimeter or pentameter, with some internal variation. The effect is to make a very smooth reading, one that would translate well into sung form as a hymn. Looking at various examples: Psalm 23: My faithful Shepherd is the Lord. My wants are all supplied….He kindly cheers my fainting Soul, Recalls me where I roam. In righteous Paths directs my Steps and gently guides me home. Psalm 49: Tho some to Wisdom s Counsel deaf, in wordly Wealth confide, The Gold, and Gems, and Large Domaine, Inspire their minds with pride. Psalm 117: Ye Nations of the Universe, To God your voices raise, Let evry Tongue though every Clime Exalt Jehovah s Praise. No author is given, but clearly a major undertaking, and further research might be able to look at the style and identify for which Christian Church it would most likely to have been intended for.
Date ????
Binding Hardcover
Publisher N/A
Condition Very Good

Price: £300.00

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