Book Description

WILLMOTT, George. The Amateur Florist’s Assistant in the Selection and Cultivation of Popular Annuals; to which is added, a descriptive catalogue of the most interesting tender perennials used in decorating the Parterre, and a copious list of European ornamental Alpine plants. [8], 76pp. A very good copy bound in original blind stamped cloth. Faint water splash marks to the title-page and front end-paper, but not too intrusive, and the rest of the text is very clean. 12mo. Edinburgh: printed [by Ruthvens] for the Author, and to be had at the Nursery, Lewisham, London. 1839. ~ First edition, very scarce, FirstSearch recording two copies only (BL and NLS). Lewisham Nursery was run in its later years by Willmott and Chaundy, and closed in 1860.
Author WILLMOTT, George.
Date 1839

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