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Foster Books

Four Fantastic Tales

Hugh Walpole

Macmillan & Co. Limited, London


William Golding : A Bibliography 1934-1993

Gekoski, R. A. and P. A. Grogan and with a foreword by William Golding

Andre Deutsch Limited, London


The Triumph of Elaine. The Craig Kennedy Detective...

Arthur B. Reeve

Hodder and Stoughton


A Tale With Two Joes In It : A Play For Radio

Sebastian Barry

The Bridgewater Press, London


Clarissa Oakes

Patrick O'Brian



Short Memoirs for the Natural Experimental History...

Robert Boyle

Printed for Samuel Smith


The Incredible Adventures of Professor Branestawm

Norman Hunter

John Lane The Bodley Head Ltd.


Fairy Tales by Hans Andersen Illustrated By Kay Ni...

Hans Andersen

Hodder and Stoughton


Anatomia : Del corpo humano composta per M. Giuan...

Valverde, Giovanni

Ant. Salamanca et Antonio Lafrery


The Sixpence That Rolled Away

Louis MacNeice

Faber and Faber


Colonel Thorndyke's Secret

G. A. Henty

Chatto & Windus, 1898


Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales

Hans Andersen

Constable & Co. Ltd., London


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