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Pemberley Books


Francis, Dick

Michael Joseph



Younghusband, F.; Molyneux, E.

Adam and Charles Black


A Treatise on the Common Sole (Solea vulgaris), co...

Cunningham, J.T.

Marine Biological Association


History begins at Sumer

Kramer, S.N.

Thames & Hudson


The Heart of Africa. Vol. I-II: Three Years' Trave...

Schweinfurth, G.

Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington


The Worst Journey in the World: Antarctic 1910-191...

Cherry-Garrard, Apsley

Chatto & Windus


In the High Yemen

Scott, H.

John Murray


Sultan in Oman

Morris, J.

Faber and Faber


The Natural History of the City

Fitter, R.S.R.; Lousley, J.E.

Corporation of London


Lake Tanganyika and its Life

Coulter, G.W.

Natural History Museum Publications & Oxford University Press


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