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Pete Fry

A treatise on Midwifery

A. I. Coffin

British medico-Botanic Press


The RAF in Cumbria 1939-1946

Ian Tyler

Blue Rock Publications


Signed letters with rare caricature

John Betjeman

John Betjeman


An Isle called Hirte

Mary Harman

Maclean Press


St Kilda The last Outmost Isle

Angela Gammon and George Geddes

Historic Envitonment


The Cuillin of Skye

B.H. Humble

Robert Hale



A Voyage to Saint Kilda

M. Martin

John Wylie and Co.


Travels In Scotland

L.A. Necker De Saussure

Richard Philips


Drawings Of British Plants

Stella Ross-Craig

G. Bell and Sons Ltd.


Fifty Caricatures

Max Beerbohm

William Heinemann


Baucis and Philemon

Jonathan Swift

Simon King


The National Orange and Protestant Minstrel

Orange and Protestant Minstrel

Squire Auty


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