Dutch New York Between East and West. The World of...
Krohn, Deborah L & Miller, Peter N. (Eds).
Bard Graduate Center/ The New York Historical Society/Yale University Press. New York.
The Island of Formosa Past and Present. History, P...
Davidson, James W.
SMC Publishing, Taipei.
African Art from the Han Coray Collection 1916-192...
Szalay, Miklos. (Ed).
Prestel, Munich/New York.
Journal of an Embassy to the Courts of Siam and Co...
Crawfurd, John. (Intro. by David K. Wyatt).
Oxford University Press, Singapore.
Makuk. A New History of Aboriginal-White Relations...
Lutz, John Sutton
University of British Columbia Press, Vancouver.
Global Culture, Island Identity. Continuity and ch...
Olwig, Karen Fog
Harwood Academic Publishers, Chur, Switzerland.
Unstructuring Chinese Society. The Fictions of Col...
Chun, Allen.
Harwood Academic Publishers, Amsterdam.
The 'Ghotul' in Muria Society.
Gell, Simeran Man Singh.
Harwood Academic Publishers, Chur, Switzerland.
The Rationality of Rural Life. Economic and cultur...
Pratt, Jeff
Harwood Academic Publishers, Chur, Switzerland.
Before Social Anthropology. Essays on the history...
Urry, James.
Harwood Academic Publishers, Chur, Switzerland.
Modern Art - Ancient Icon. A Gallery of Dreamings...
Ebes, Hank & Hollow, Michael (Compiled and Collected by).
Aboriginal Gallery of Dreamings, Melbourne & Alice Springs.
Proof. Portraits from The Movement 1978-2003.
Gemes, Juno.
National Portrait Gallery, Canberra
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