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Peter Moore

Black from the Edge.

Gilbert, Kevin

Hyland House, Melbourne.


My Country I Still Call Australia Home. Contempora...

McLean, Bruce; Croft, Brenda L. and others.

Queensland Art Gallery.


Fight for Liberty and Freedom. The origins of Aust...

Maynard, John

Aboriginal Studies Press, Canberra Australia.


A Different Time. The Expedition Photographs of He...

Kaus, David.

National Museum of Australia Press, Canberra.


Landscapes, Rock-Art and the Dreaming. An Archaeol...

David, Bruno.

Leicester University Press, London and New York.


Images of Power. Aboriginal Art of the Kimberley

Ryan, Judith with Kim Akerman.

National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne.


New Zealand Guide and Accommodation List. Fourth E...

Farnall, R. & Co.

R. Farnall & Co. Auckland and London.


Great Expectations. With Forty-six illustrations b...

Dickens, Charles.

The Shepherd Press, Sydney.


Living with his Camera.

Gallop, Jane.

Duke University Press, Durham & London.


Close Focus. The colour and texture of a continent...

Missingham, Hal.

Ure Smith, Sydney.


Cock-A-Hoop a sequel to Chanticleer, Pertelote, an...

Chambers, David & Sandford, Christopher. (Compilers).

Private Libraries Association for the Golden Cockerel Press, Pinner UK.


Chanticleer. A Bibliography of the Golden Cockerel...

Sandford, Christopher; Rutter, Owen & Sandford, Anthony (foreword).

Dawson, Folkestone, UK.


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