Du fanatisme dans la langue révolutionnaire, ou, de la persécution suscitée par les barbares du dix-huitième siècle, contre la religion chrétienne et ses ministres. "Firmaverunt sibi sermonem ne

Book Description
pp. [iv], 168
Dealer Notes
"Jean-François de La Harpe’s ferocious onslaught against the manipulation of language by anticlerical revolutionaries. Du fanatisme dans la langue révolutionnaire was one of the first works to identify the Revolution with a specific form of language: a neological and euphemistic political discourse, awash with solecisms, and parasitically related to ancien régime French."--Benjamin Thurston. Joseph de Maistre’s Theory of Language: Language and Revolution. In: Joseph de Maistre's Life, Thought, and Influence: Selected Studies, edited by Richard Lebrun, pp. 106-107.
La Harpe, Jean-François de (1739-1803)
Contemporary half calf and marbled boards, spine labels gilt.
London: de l'imprimerie de Baylis, for the trade, 1797.
Very good
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