Indenture involving a papermaker.

Book Description
No place, 1743. 508 mm tall by 646 mm wide, single sheet of parchment folded, not paginated. A beautiful document.
Dealer Notes
Indenture made the second day of March, in the seventeenth year of the reign of our sovereign lord, George the Second, in the year of our Lord 1743 between Robert Allen of Chelsfield in the county of Kent, yeoman, and Stephen Allen, of the same place, yeoman, & William Willmott of Shoreham, in the county of Kent, Papermaker. This is a property lease for one year. Manuscript is 38 lines long in black ink. Upper left corner engraved royal arms with surrounding scroll- and trelliswork extending along 1/3 of upper line 160 x 158 mm. Within scrollwork are four women (muses or fates perhaps?) and the name of the stationer who created the document (T. Brookbank, Stationer at Furnivals Inn). Below this, 3 stamps of VI pence each in blue embossed with a crowned garter motto with a Tudor rose in the center. Folded lower border with 3 cloth ribbons and red seals about 20 mm down with portrait of a Renaissance (?) man facing left along with signatures of the people involved.
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