THÉORIE DES CALCULS. Biblioteque Populaire ou l'instruction, Mise a la portée de toutes les classes et de toutes les intellgences.

Book Description
Ajasson de Grandsagne - Publishing Editor
Théorie des Calculs par Claude Charles Chelle
Editor : Etienne Bonnot de Condillac
Printer: Impremerie de J. -L. Joly, Rue Vaugirard No. 14.
Printed: Paris, 1833, Place de Saint-Andre des-Arts, n. 30.
Langue de Calcul, troisieme partie, deuxieme partie, premiere partie. (reverted sequence)
Troisieme Partie, [3-107](108), 12mo.
Deuxieme partie, [4-96], 12mo.
Premiere partie, [8-122], 12mo.
This is a very good copy of Theorie des Calculs.
Beautifully decorated, marbled cover aligned with sprinkled edges.
Some dings and scratches on the boards.
Paperback, hard leather boards, small scratches on the covers, fine and complete textblock. Small foxes on some pages. Some pages stuck together. Clean, no signs of worn-out inside.
Claude Charles Chelle
Impremerie de J. -L. Joly
Very Good
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