YE DOLE OF TICHBORNE by Lord Nugent. Illustrated by V.H.D.

Book Description
Published to capitalise on the infamous Tichborne case then beginning to run its course through the courts.
The poem recounts the history of the Tichborne dole of bread, a charity festival active until the 1790’s and held at the village of Tichborne in Hampshire during the Feast of the Annunciation. The tale concerns a curse by twelfth century Lady Mabella Tichborne on her descendants. This predicted that should the dole stop the family would produce only daughters and die out, which indeed did happen with the male issue cut down by early death and shipwreck, all of which paved the way to the interminable Tichborne claimant cause.
The illustrations are very clearly in the style of Richard Doyle’s The Manners and Customs of Ye Englyshe which first appeared in Punch in 1849, they capture many of the more absurd parts of the tale in a mock medieval manuscript technique replete with a border of a dragon.
The illustrator, Violetta Harriot Darwin (1826-1880), was a half cousin to the famous Charles, both sharing Erasmus Darwin as a grandfather. Although Charles descended through Erasmus’ first wife Polly, and Violetta through his second wife Elizabeth, the cousins despite being near contemporaries appear to have had very little contact. A number of Violetta’s anastactic topographical views were published in the 1860’s and her illustrated version of Southey’s Bishop Hatto: a legend of the Mouse-Tower on the Rhine in 1861, but these are both in a quite different style.
The author of the poems, Lord Nugent, unlike many of the Grenville clan, supported the cause of anti-slavery, parliamentary reform, religious liberty, penal reform and the amelioration of the condition of the rural poor. He also inherited an aptitude for literary and scholarly pursuits, as well as their tendency to corpulence and financial ineptitude. He was not a great poet however some of his smaller works found a willing space in the ‘Annuals’. Under the less antiquated title, ‘The Dole of Tichborne’, the poem first appeared first in the 1830 volume of The Gem.
Dealer Notes
OCLC records only a second edition, at the National library of Wales only.
[DARWIN, Violetta Harriot, illustrator] and NUGENT, George Nugent-Grenville, 2nd Baron.
in the original publisher’s bind stamped green cloth, upper board lettered in gilt, inner joints lightly cracked, else a very good sound copy.
London, Bemrose and Sons,
FIRST EDITION. Oblong 8vo, pp. [4], with nine anastatic plates by ‘V H D’[arwin], the first folding, and with poetic verses facing, two leaves of introduction,
Price: £550.00
Offered by Pickering & Chatto, Antiquarian Booksellers
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