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Anthony Smith Books

The Country Houses of Northamptonshire.

Heward, John and Robert Taylor

Swindon, Royal Commission on the Historical Monuments of England


Aucassin and Nicolette. A Twelfth-century Romance....

Smith, Dulcie Lawrence (trans.)

London, Andrew Melrose, Ltd


Small Country Houses of To-day. Volume Two.

Weaver, Sir Lawrence

London & New York, Country Life, George Newnes, Ltd. and Charles Scribner’s Sons


The Practice of Classical Architecture. The Archit...

Watkin, David

New York, Rizzoli International Publications, Inc.


Britain in Pictures. The British People in Picture...


London, William Collins


Agnes Grey. The Clarendon Edition of the Novels of...

Bronte, Anne

Oxford, The Clarendon Press


Villette. The Clarendon Edition of the Novels of t...

Bronte, Charlotte

Oxford, The Clarendon Press


Wuthering Heights. The Clarendon Edition of the No...

Bronte, Emily

Oxford, The Clarendon Press


The Letters of Charlotte Bronte. 1. 1829-1847; 2....

Bronte, Charlotte

Oxford, The Clarendon Press


The Poems of Emily Bronte. Edited by Derek Roper w...

Bronte, Emily

Oxford, The Clarendon Press


The Compleat Angler 1653-1676. Edited with an Intr...

Walton, Izaak

Oxford, The Clarendon Press


The Anatomy of Melancholy. Edited by Thomas C. Fau...

Burton, Robert

Oxford, The Clarendon Press


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