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Anthony Smith Books

Futility. A Novel on Russian Themes. Preface by Ed...

Gerhardi [Gerhardie], William

London, Richard Cobden-Sanderson


Kristin Lavransdatter. Translated from the Norwegi...

Undset, Sigrid

London, Alfred A. Knopf


The Linnaeus Apostles. Global Science & Adventure.

Hansen, Lars (Editor-in-Chief)

London & Whitby, The IK Foundation & Company


The Life of Captain James Cook.

Beaglehole, J. C.

London, The Hakluyt Society


The Works of Sir Thomas Malory. Edited by Eugene V...

Malory, Sir Thomas

Oxford, The Clarendon Press


A Mine of Serpents.

Brooke, Jocelyn

London, The Bodley Head


December Spring. poems.

Brooke, Jocelyn

London, John Lane, The Bodley Head


Lucy Brown and Mr Grimes.

Ardizzone, Edward

London, Sydney, Toronto, The Bodley Head


Nicholas and the Fast Moving Diesel.

Ardizzone, Edward

London, New York, Toronto, Oxford University Press


Johnny and the Clockmaker.

Ardizzone, Edward

London, New York, Toronto, Oxford University Press


Tim in Danger.

Ardizzone, Edward

London, New York, Toronto, Oxford University Press


Tim and Charlotte.

Ardizzone, Edward

London, New York, Toronto, Oxford University Press


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