An Almanack for the year of our Lord God, M.DCC.XCVII. Being the First after Bissextile or Leap-Year, Wherein are contained necessary Rules and Useful Tables, With a new Chronology of remarkable Events; also, The proper Days and Hours ........

Book Description
[ 1797]]. First edition. Twenty-fourmo. ( 106mm. ) Pp.48. The Almanack is interleaved with blank leaves.All edges gilt. Title page and gathering A in red and black. Price from imprint: Price 9d-Stitch'd. Contents exceptionally clean, fresh and bright. Red calf binding with two working clasps, the covers with a simple gilt outer frame of a dog tooth roll and leaf stems, the spine with a single verical line of arrow heads. Marbled endpapers. A splendid Goldsmith Almanack in a near fine and flawless condition. John Goldsmith ( ???? -???? ) published his first Almanack in 1663 it continued in this format until early in the nineteenth century. This is a rare edition, ESTC ( on - line 10 / 22 ) locates only one copy of this Almanack - Biitish Library. ESTC T35705. OCLC First Search ( on - line 10 / 22 ) locates only one copy - National library of Scotland. For more details of Almanacks see - Bondy. Miniature Books. London .Sheppard Press, 1981. And Spielmann. Catalogue of the Library of Miniature Books. London. Arnold.1961.
London : printed for the Company of Stationers, and Sold by Robert Horsfield, at their Hall in Ludgate-Street. [ 1797].
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