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Quae supersunt ex historiae romanae voluminibus do...

Velleius Paterculus, Marcus: (Burmann, Pieter, ed.:)

Lugduni Batavorum [Leiden]: Samuelem Luchtmans,


De Episcopis Ultraiectinis, recogniti et notis his...

De Beka, Johannes & Heda, Wilhelmus:

Utraiecti [Utrecht]: ex officina Ioannis a Doorn,


De Situ Orbis Libri III.

Pomponius Mela: (Gronovius, Abraham, ed.:)

Lugduni Batavorum [Leiden]: Ex Officina Samuelis Luchtmans,


Altare Damascenum, seu Ecclesiae Anglicanae politi...

Calderwood, David:

Lugduni Batavorum [Leiden]: Apud Cornelium Boutesteyn,


Onomasticon Graece & Latine.

Pollux, Julius: (Lederlin, J.H.; Hemsterhuys, T.):

Amstelaedami [Amsterdam]: Ex Officina Wetsteniana,


Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Sir Philip Sid...

Zouch, Thomas:

York: printed by Thomas Wilson and Son, for J. Mawman, Poultry, and T. Payne, Pall Mall, London; and for Wilson & Son, York,


The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in Eng...

Clarendon, Edward (Hyde), Earl of:

Oxford, at the University Press,


Mona Antiqua Restaurata. An Archaeological Discour...

Rowlands, Henry: [Owen, Henry, ed.:]

London: printed for J.[ohn] Knox, near Southampton-Street in the Strand,


Italy and Her Invaders.

Hodgkin, Thomas:

Oxford: Clarendon Press,


Pantheum mythicum, seu fabulosa deorum historia [....

Pomey, F.: (Pitiscus, S.:)

Amstelodami [Amsterdam] & Trajecti ad Rhenum [Utrecht]: Schouten & J.J.A. Poolsum,


[...] Cl. Aeliani Sophistae Varia Historia, Cum No...

[Aelian] Aelianus, Claudius:

Lugd. Bat. [Leiden] Amstelodami {Amsterdam] Roterodami [Rotterdam] Ultrajecti [Utrecht] Hagae [The Hague]: apud S. Luchtmans & J.A. Langerack. R. & J. Wetstein & G. Smith; J. Boom & H. Waasberge. Joh. Dan. Beman. Jac. a Poolsum. Henr. Scheurleer,


De Rebus Gestis Alexandri Magni, Regis Macedonum,...

Curtius Rufus, Quintus: (Snakenburg, Hendrik, ed.:)

Delphis, & Lugd. Bat. [Delft & Leiden]: apud Adrianum Beman, Samuelem Luchtmans,


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