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Wakefield Young

Voyage au Ouadây, par le cheykh Mohammed ibn-Omar...

Tunisi, Muhammad ibn Umar Sulayman al-; translated from the Arabic by Dr Perron

Benjamin Duprat and others, Paris


The Years of Achievement 1945-1960 The Story of Le...

[Lever Brothers; unique presentation volume of watercolours and history]

Private publication, unique copy


A Winter Journey through Russia, the Caucasian Alp...

Mignan, Captain R

Richard Bentley, London


S. Thomae Aquinatis Summa totius theologiæ : in qu...

Thomas Aquinas

Antwerp, Christoph Plantin


Oeuvres Diverses [including] Du Contract Sociale (...

Rousseau, J J

Marc Michel Rey, Amsterdam


Raumkunst cover - IMG_5640


Honold, Georg


More Caviare and More Candy

Martineau, Alice


A General History of Quadrupeds

Bewick, Thomas


Practical Military Surveying & Sketching

Drayson, Capt. [Alfred Wilks]


Collection of 17 American Civil War Pamphlets

Abraham Lincoln, Julia Ward Howe, Wm. Seward, Henry Bellows, Edwin Stanton, James MacKaye, William Whitmore, S P Chase and others

Loyal Publication Society and others


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